I am happy to announce the newest addition to our family---Nolan Randall Hughes. He was born Thursday May 16, and weighed 6 pounds 13 ounces and was 19 inches long. I went into labor one week before my due date, so I was surprised when I started having contractions an entire week early. I thought for sure I would go past my due date like I did with Liam, but Nolan was ready to come early! And I am really glad he did :)
I was at Young Women's on Wednesday night and thought I was having labor contractions, but I wasn't entirely sure. My water broke first with Liam and contractions followed after, so having contractions first was new to me. I much prefer the water breaking option lol less painful indeed! I was having a hard time walking around at YW because the pain was increasing, and when I got home that night I told Anthony I thought Nolan was going to be here soon. One of my fears was going to the hospital and then having the nurse telling me I wasn't in active labor and to go home. So I waited as long as I could stand before having Anthony drive me to the hospital at 1:30am. My contractions were about 5 mintues apart when we arrived. I checked in and the nurse set me up on the monitors. I was dilated to a 4cm, and an hour later I was a 5cm so the nurse said I could stay, phew! It took 5 hours to get to a 10cm. At 8am I started pushing, and 9 minutes later Nolan was born. The labor/delivery wasn't bad at all, and thankfully everything was text book. The hardest part about this labor was that it started at 1:30am so I didn't get any sort of sleep leading up to it, or any sleep the day Nolan was born.
Loving the contractions---they really suck!!
Just waiting...and feeling totally exhausted yet SO excited.
Proud parents. Look at that darling face!
Liam was darling when he met Nolan. He calls him "Noly" and says "I'm your brodder!"
This little baby is loved.
Getting ready to go home!
The hospital is such a magical experience. It's like you're in some sort of bubble where these amazing memories are formed. And it's so neat looking back at all the pictures and knowing that all of it really happened, and it's more amazing than you realize. I am so blessed to have a healthy baby, and a wonderful family of four :) Life is pretty great.
I love you Nolan.
We have had very different hospital experiences, because I don't find it a magical place at all haha. But I do find little Noley magical!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Nolan is gorgeous. What a beautiful family!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad everything went well with his arrival! The pictures of you having contractions make me hurt. My biggest fear was going into labor in the middle of the night without any rest. And you did that and still managed to have the energy to push him out so fast. impressive!
ReplyDeleteAwe! Great to hear the story of Nolan's birth! So happy for you all! He is so handsome! You have a beautiful family :) love ya!