
Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

I am so thankful to be a mother. And even more than that, I am beyond blessed that I get to be the mother to this incredible child of mine. Every time he calls me 'mom' I just melt. It never gets old. Motherhood certainly isn't easy, but it is the greatest thing I have done in my life. Happy Mother's Day to my own mother---the most wonderful example of what a mother ought to be!

As soon as Liam woke up Anthony went in to his room and reminded him it was Mother's Day. Liam came bounding into my room and said "Happy Mom Day! Happy Mom Day!" and then proceeded to drag me out of bed and say "Presents!" He could hardly contain his excitement. We went downstairs and Liam gave me a clay mold of his sweet little hand that he had made. He then got out markers and colored it for me and looked so pleased with himself. It was the sweetest present :)

(keep in mind---these pics are minutes after waking up haha)

We went to church that afternoon, then to family's house that evening for some dessert. It was a lovely Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mother's Day! And so fun to see you and Liam for a minute on Saturday. :)
