
Thursday, August 18, 2011

DIY Wreath

I have been in a crafty mood lately, so I took up several crafting projects. I made this super cute wreath out of book pages! In total it cost me about 5 bucks. I got the book at the dollar store, the metal floral wreath frame and burlap at Hobby Lobby (love that store). I already had the twine rope and glue gun/glue sticks. It was super easy to just took a long time! So if you have several hours and a few bucks to spare, you should make this wreath! I found the tutorial at

Liam, meet Bosco

We have tried to introduce Liam and Bosco before, but Liam never seemed to care. Poor Bosco! Bosco is always trying to get his attention, ha! Liam has finally started to take an interest in the pup, and now gets excited when he sees Bosco and will track him as he walks by. We got a cute video of Liam and Bosco boy---he loves to grab his wrinkly face! It's so cute.