The drive takes about 11 hours...with a baby it takes closer to 12 because of the stops to feed and burp etc. Well, somehow we missed a turn at the start of our trip...we were supposed to make a turn an hour and a half in...yep, missed it. Instead of going north into Montana and then into northern Idaho, we went WEST into Oregon and Washington! I was like, "Wait a sec...the Old Oregon Trail?! You don't go through Oregon to get to Idaho!!" It took over 14 hours to get to Sandpoint. Lovely. I wanted to cry once I realized I would have to go through two extra states to get to Idaho. Don't worry, we made the right turn going back to Utah...11 hour drive as planned! My dad made us a map so we wouldn't get lost haha no joke he really did. I was not amused.
We took several pics on my parent's deck. The view is so pretty. I love the Pacific is one of my favorite landscapes.
I love this picture of these two. Liam is laughing and he looks adorable. Love these guys.
The water was a little cold!
Went to another yummy restaurant famous for their pies. I, of course, got strawberry, my fave. When I worked downtown during the summer I always went here on my lunch break by myself and ate pie. The waitress always asked, "Is anyone joining you?" "Nope, just me" I would say. I think she was embarassed for me or something haha I don't care, though. Their pie is worth eating by yourself haha
We walked downtown and went to all the fun shops. We found these crazy octupus extentions...kinda fun.
I loved that my parents got to spend time with little man. They love Liam so much, and it is special to watch them together.
On Saturday we went to the local farmer's market.
The night before we left we got pizza at a hole in the wall place a ways out of town and apparently the owner sells/sold pot out of the back of the restaurant. haha Aside from that shady bit of info, he makes a mean pizza. I should have taken a pic of the was sooo good, but I was too busy eating it!
This is the view!